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Coaching support for Organizations

Better people, better corporate world.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching will unlock your potential and deepen your leadership by strengthening your awareness and presence, increasing motivation and performance.


Becoming a great leader within both your personal and professional life is a lifelong journey of self-awareness and personal development.


My approach will be tailored to you taking into consideration the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world coupled with integral coaching techniques.


Learn more about Coaching

Stack of hands

Team coaching

Team coaching unlocks a group’s potential and enhances collective intelligence and awareness. 

With my integral coaching approach and after a thorough review of the current situation, we will work together on a collective but also individual level to:

  • create a supportive and inclusive climate in the team where ideas can flourish and take shape, 

  • enable understanding and appreciation of different members’ unique strengths, skills and uniqueness,

  • build the capacity to complement, celebrate, learn,

  • share positive constructive feedback and 

  • strengthen relationships of trust within the team. 


Nourishing a healthy culture of collective awareness is vital to allow the team members to learn, adapt, and evolve together.

Learn more about Coaching

Coaching Framework  for your Organization

Coaching is a particularly powerful tool in the modern workplace.


For a better corporate world, coaching needs to become the predominant style of leading, managing and working, interacting together in the work environment.


This is vital to create a culture in which people feel empowered. I am here to help you to design a coaching framework - your road map to a consistent coaching culture in your organization. There are a number of critical elements to consider and work together to enhance the coaching culture, from the share vision for coaching, developing coaching capability and skills across the organization to the evaluation and learnings. 


Developing a coaching culture is beneficial to both employees and the organization; having a positive impact on employees’ engagement, motivation, wellbeing, increased self-awareness, confidence and resilience.


I know the corporate world, I experience it…myself. 

Instead of simply surviving,

you can thrive in the corporate world.

Flora Bami, Integral Coach, Zurich, Switzerland


Would you like to know more about my coaching services

and how we can work together? 

I offer a FREE discovery session. 

We can see together if this experience is a good fit for you.

It would be an honour to guide you through this process and help you expand and blossom in your life!

Fill in the form below or write me an email.

I work in English, Greek and French.

Geneva, Switzerland

Let's work together

" Never trust your FEARS,

they don’t know your STRENGTH. "

- Athena Singh

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