In today's constantly connected and fast-paced world, the ability to truly unplug from technology is becoming an increasingly desirable luxury. More and more I'm seeking out opportunities to disconnect from my devices and immerse myself in authentic experiences, free from distraction.
This 'digital detox' has become the new marker of a luxury getaway. According to recent research, 6 in 10 travelers purposely avoid using technology while on vacation. Of those surveyed, over 70% said they feel happier, less stressed, and more present after taking a break from their devices. With work and social media pressures building an escape from the digital world is a welcome respite.
A social media detox experiment accompanies my summer break on the Greek islands every summer over the last few years. It started as an experiment a few years ago but it's one of my favorite vacation rituals. Truly disconnecting during a holiday is crucial for my mental health, inner peace, productivity, and overall wellbeing.
For me, social media consists mainly of Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin. They all have pros and cons but unfortunately, social media platforms have become addictive. Social media overuse is increasingly commonplace today, and it may have some serious repercussions for our physical and mental health. We are exposed to tons of information, distractions, notifications, and messages daily; which is overwhelming and exhausting for our mind.
A digital detox is an amazing gift we can offer to our minds and ourselves.
This summer, I extended my social media detox to 3 weeks and this is what I learned and experienced:
My mind was calm and happy: first, I realized how addictive social media can be.
I would often pick up my phone but with no apparent reason. I had nothing to scroll on. Isn't that interesting that scrolling on social media has become an action to engage with on autopilot? Isn't that an addiction? This was an aha moment that helped me to set strict boundaries and focus on one thing, person, or activity without any distractions. With no distractions to bother my mind, no notifications to check, no photos & stories to look at, and much less information to process, I couldn't help but observe how much calmer I was, more productive in my writing, and much more present and grounded in the moment.
My mind was able to focus and concentrate better and it was easier for me to choose my focus area (the beach, the sky, Aegean waters, my book, people). This was one of the most important realizations. When we are overwhelmed by information and pictures, we lose our power to choose where we want to focus on; that's the monkey mind; thoughts jumping around, scrolling endlessly, a busy and distracted mind. From this mental space, it was so easy to get into the flow, feel inspired and focus on writing my book with a clear, calm, and happy mind.
Over the days, I observed that I had more time available for me and what mattered to me. How often do we catch ourselves scrolling or reading something for hours?
How much time are we wasting when we lose focus and sight of time?
Time is precious! Time is a luxury in our modern lifestyle.
What would you do or be if you had more time available for you daily?
This made me set digital boundaries; 15 minutes of scroll time on Instagram daily; limit Facebook to messenger and birthday notifications and have 2 windows daily to check my Linkedin, I have also set limits on the use of digital devices. in the evenings and on Sundays; If possible, avoid checking work emails and messages. Instead, I use this time to reconnect with myself and my loved ones.
Having. a calm and less reactive mind helped me be more in the present moment and savor every moment with gratitude, grace, openness, and curiosity.
“Savoring is about learning to live presently to fully enjoy the gift of each moment, to give that moment the space and attention it deserves. It takes practice, but it’s a delicious practice. As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise, you will miss most of your life.” Buddha said
Disconnecting provides a renewed appreciation for the world around us - and quality time with loved ones. More than just a break from devices, it's a break from the pressures and comparisons of social media.
In conclusion, truly switching off on holiday is not just a luxury but a necessity in today’s high-pressure work environment.
Whether it’s a short break or an extended holiday, giving yourself the gift of true rest is essential for sustaining long-term health, happiness, and success.